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Payment Made Easy!

To settle your bill, use internet or mobile banking for a hassle-free experience. With CDC automatic billing system, your payment will be updated seamlessly.

  • Login to your bKash account with your account's PIN number and tap on "পে বিল" option.

  • In "পে বিল" option you'll find "CDC". Simply tap on it and follow the next step.

  • Now select your internet billing timeline in "বিল সময়সীমা" box & input your customer in "বিল একাউন্ট নম্বর দিন" box.

  • If you want to save the payment info for quick payment, you can simple tick the checkbox "ভবিষ্যৎ বিল পেমেন্টের জন্য একাউন্টটি সেভ করে রাখুন".

  • After that, tap the "পে বিল করতে এগিয়ে যান" button & hold the pay button for a few second. You're done!

Want to pay with Master/Visa card?


CDC is the largest ISP in Bangladesh, offering a wide coverage area and high-speed internet services. We provide Super Fast Optical Fiber Broadband Internet with a single price mode


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